Dental Care
The single most powerful factor you can do to enhance your appearance and boost your self assurance is to have a smile that shows healthy, even sparkling white teeth !
Enjoy staying with us for all your dental needs. We offer a more relaxed atmosphere before and after treatment in the comfort of your hotel room as well as with an in house Givenchy Spa for plenty of opportunities to rest and revive. Pleasurable light dishes will be specially prepared for you, following your dentist's instructions to the hotel’s kitchen, after undergoing dental treatment.
We can create a healthy confident smile made to last and designed to suit you. Most procedures can be completed in just a few visits which are all easily arranged by the reception.
For any further inquiries please do not hesitate to contact the front desk or reach us by email at
The treatments
The diagnosis and treatment planning, also for complex, interdisciplinary treatment cases include:
- Dental hygiene with Airflow
- Conservative Cosmetic dentistry
- Teeth whitening
- Prosthetics including full mouth rehabilitation (veneers, crowns, onlays)
- Stress free dental experience with Sleep Dentistry (Sedation in presence of Anesthesist)
- Periodontics (treatment of gum disease)
- Endodontics (root canal treatments)
- Implantology
- Sleep apnia dentistry (a CPAP alernative)
- Low radiation with digital Xrays